Our Segments
When it comes to segment, we cover everything from pin to piano, and we proudly present us, as a complete production house having all the experience & capabilities of producing & managing events & shows. VABMEDIA is a full fledge event planning and Organization Company.
Showcasing of products with professional models elevates the visibility & prominence of any product.To get desired visibility amongst the target audience,…
Vab media has built-in area of 3500 sq. feet and posses a strong infrastructure including soundproof shooting space, sound studio and editing room.We have a wide variety …
With a team dedicated with talented and experienced people, we manage events right from the planning stage to finishing the event with arranging venue,…
For all your advertising related needs, Vab media has the solution. With a team of talented and dedicated advertising professionals, we ensure that your product…
Amongst many past accomplishments, VABMEDIA staged the first international concert held in place. Since then, we have been involved in almost…
Our exclusive International Musicians, Artists and performers are highly talented and experienced enough to entertain any audience all over the globe…